The Mural Intervention Program

Creating a culture of positive expression is to help build strong connections between the members of your community.

Many years ago I had a question: What good is art for a community? I have spent my careers as an educator and a muralist attempting to answer this question. The answer I found to that old question came in the form of another question: How strong is a community without art?

The answer to that newer question is ever community needs art to build connections. Art can be used to connect the members of a community, especially if the members are creating together. I believe art is a necessary part of building a culture within a group. In a school, the walls of the cafeteria, Office, and hallways are all potential sites for kids to share their thoughts, feelings and stories for the whole school.

Here’s the thoughts and feelings that the middle schoolers at McDonough have shared.

At McDonough we created 7 murals over the last 3 years!! AND 6 of those were during a pandemic during the 2020-2021 school year.

We got a big Kickstart when I received the Rogers Innovative Educator Grant from the Neag School Education at the University of Connecticut. The plan was to implement a mural program at the school where I teach art, McDonough Middle School of Hartford Public Schools in Hartford, CT.

My blog posts explain what we went through implementing a the Mural Intervention Program in a virtual environment: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

The Newsletter from the fall UCONN Naeg School of Education about the Mural Intervention Program.

During the 2021-2022 school year we are going to continue this work at McDonough. It’s just been a great antidote to the negative feelings brought about by COVID-19. This year I hope to cement the Mural Intervention Program at McDonough. In order to do this I need your help.

I intend to beautify the cafeteria and the main office this year all with portable Murals. We will need all sorts of supplies to support 400 kids in their art skill and awareness development . We will need to be able give each student their own art supplies to use in and out of class and remain Covid-19 safe in art class.

You can help out our efforts to galvanize a culture of personal expression within McDonough and beautify the school to a remarkable level. You can help continue the process of making our school a place any child would feel proud to go to every school day. You can help build these feelings of pride by donating to our Donor’s choose project.

I intend to beautify the cafeteria and the main office this year all with portable Murals. We will need all sorts of supplies to support 400 kids in their art skill and awareness development . We will need to be able give each student their own art supplies to use in and out of class and remain Covid-19 safe in art class.

You can help out our efforts to galvanize a culture of personal expression within McDonough and beautify the school to a remarkable level. You can help continue the process of making our school a place any child would feel proud to go to every school day. You can help build these feelings of pride by donating to our Donor’s choose project.

“You Matter!!” ยฉ2016 Designed and Painted with the students of Lawrence Cook Middle School in Santa Rosa, CA.

Tiny and Door Murals Deisgned and painted BY the students of Lawrence Cook Middle School

“The Power of the People” ยฉ2015 Designed and painted with the Special Education Students of Lawrence Cook Middle School.

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